Fact Sheets

AHO Fact Sheets provide answers to the AHO’s most frequently asked questions. They provide a ready reference for mariners, provide links to sources of more information, and are a starting point for those providing instruction to mariners.

All Fact Sheets are available for viewing and download as PDF documents. Please note that you must be using the latest Adobe Acrobat version, which is available freely from www.adobe.com.

Copies may be printed for personal and instructional use. AHO Distribution Agents may print copies for supply to customers on a cost recovery basis. Copies must not be sold for profit without prior written agreement from hydro.licensing@defence.gov.au.

If you are seeking more information about the AHO’s products and services, or consider a Fact Sheet on a topic not yet addressed may be useful, please contact the AHO at hydro.sales@defence.gov.au.