HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program
- To obtain full, high quality bathymetric coverage of Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone by 2050
- To link the Australian Chart Datum to the National ellipsoid through the development of the AusHydroid by 2030
- To integrate all HIPP activities into the National Plan for Multibeam Data Acquisition
- Provide environmental data that contributes to national efforts in establishing a baseline dataset of Australia’s marine estate through data acquisition for safety of navigation
- To support hydrographic, meteorological and oceanographic survey in remote locations
- To support the development of an academic program to deliver an organic tertiary hydrographic qualification
- To support capacity building programs in the region
- To adhere to the Australian Government’s Data Availability and Use
The HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program is the commercial acquisition program that undertakes focused hydrographic survey activities to contribute to national charting priorities. The vision for HIPP is to undertake an efficient, effective and sustainable hydrographic survey, oceanographic and marine geophysical data collection program through a partnership with Industry to deliver a true nation-building effort.

Strategic Objectives: