Hydrographic Data

How can you share data with us?


Submit a Bathymetric Survey Submit a Hydrographic Note or Observation

The Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) works to ensure Australia's navigation charts are as accurate as possible.
Chart users and the community help make this possible. If you have useful information, please share it with us. To provide us with data or to get more information about providing data, please contact us at datacentre@hydro.gov.au.

What data does the AHO hold?

AHO has a comprehensive collection of hydrographic data covering Australian waters, which includes information about:

    • Bathymetry (depth)
    • Under-sea feature names
    • Navigational marks
    • Tides and tidal streams
    • Wrecks

The AHO has a collection of historic surveys and holds many plans and reports used to create past navigational charts. This information is often useful for:

    • Marine spatial planning
    • Academic research
    • Historic research

How can you access AHO data?

Our data and records may be accessible under licence to support your work. The AHO publishes some data through the AusSeabed Project which includes:

    • Surfaces from its HIPP surveys
    • Reference surfaces for sensor calibration

For more information contact us at hydro.licensing@defence.gov.au.

See Licensing & Copyright for information about how to obtain permission to exploit our hydrographic material.